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27/04/2021 - INCF Assembly 2021
My name is Fadhila Abdulsalaam Yusuf, a 24-year-old fourth year medical student at the University of Nairobi. I am especially interested in neuroanatomy and computational neuroscience and am involved in the organizing committee of the Ubongo campaign since 2017.
I have learnt a lot during the INCF Assembly, mainly about the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability approaches in various fields of neuroscience such as neuroimaging, electrophysiology and neuroinformatics. Of interest to me was the E-brains project, a computational genius in integrating neurological data and projecting information by simulating brain function. This knowledge will enable me to expand my research and include current technological advances in the field of neuroinformatics in Africa specifically Kenya, as I noted there is paucity of data in this region.
This sponsorship has given me the chance to envision a positive future with great approach of research enhancement in the field of neuroscience and I would like to sincerely thank our sponsor, mainly I would like to profusely express my gratitude to Prof. Hassanali and Prof Patel as the trustees of the Ubongo Campaign who have gone above and beyond as mentors and champions. I would like to thank the university administration, chairman of physiology, chairman of human anatomy, the Dean, school of Medicine, the Principal and Professor Ogeng’o, the Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi.
Fadhila Yusuf.